I am a proud, independent single woman. I enjoy my own company, which is a good thing for anyone. I don't long for a relationship or a dating life because I've never had one. You might be surprised to find out just how much of a prude I am. I won't go into details. I have liked guys, guys have liked me, but the feelings have never been mutual. I have had my heart broken. I didn't like it one bit. That is one major reason why dating and all that other crap does not appeal to me. I don't want to experience those same feelings again.
When I hear stories of disappointing relationships, it makes me love the single life even more. I am in a good place :)
What I don't understand is why some people feel down in the dumps when they are single. The single life is meant for learning new things, enjoying freedom and flirting! Have fun people!!
But I will admit: someday I would like to know what it is like to have a boyfriend. It would be nice to have a guy around to take me out for a nice juicy steak or some fondue