Friday, January 22, 2010

Frustration of the day

I seem to have trouble making decisions. Some decisions can be difficult to make. My latest decision-making battle occurred today when I was trying to finalize my class schedule. I have waited all week for a spot to open up in Acting I. One finally opened up today. Was it meant for me? Who knows...I think it took me two hours to decide if I was going to take it or not.

Why was I hesitant?
1. I would no longer be classroom-free on mondays, tuesdays and fridays.
2. The class has already met twice
3. The course description stated online that if you are enrolling in the class after the first session, you must get the teacher's signature. Well, I was able to enroll w/out getting a signature
4. I'm a little nervous about it due to the nature of the class. I would like to see if acting is something for me, but I don't want to make a fool of myself
5. If I added the class and didn't like it, I wouldn't be able to drop it without penalty

I ended up signing up for a marketing class online. Hopefully it will benefit me in the long run. I'm applying to Belmont's music business program and am hoping the two business classes I take this semester look good on my application. Macroeconomics and principles of marketing are the first two business classes I've taken (or am taking) since being in college.

I can always take acting in the future. The thing is I've been thinking about taking an acting class for awhile now. What I realized again today is that I need to accept the choices I make and the things that happen to me and make the best out of them

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I don't follow grammar/punctuation rules

When doing fun things like this online, I tend to not follow English grammar and punctuation rules. I pretty much know most of them, I just like opportunities where I don't have to follow the rules. This is my 3rd blog and 3rd one of the evening

How did I get my blog name?

Some of you might be wondering: how did you come up with your blog name? Well I will tell you. Freshman year I saw this really cool license plate parked in a sorority parking lot. It said WHITSA[insert an actual star because in CA you can put symbols on a license plate- pretty neat, I think]. I've always wanted to be famous, not like I think about it all the time or actually do anything to make it happen, but we all can admit deep down that we have at some point wanted to be a star. "Whitsastar" is also my facebook username. So thank you Whitney from california for being an inspiration!

No longer a blogging virgin

I have officially lost my blogging virginity. And it feels nice. I decided that instead of giving a nice bloggerific intro about myself, this blog will be short and sweet. It's about honesty. Be honest with me...even if it means telling me something that may hurt my feelings. I just would prefer if people would be honest with me no matter what. I'm not the kind of person you tell a nice white lie to

Tell me: if I need to look in a mirror, if you don't want to do something, if I could use a breath mint, if I have blood on my pants (k, that one honestly hasn't happened in a long time)

When we were young, society taught us that it is bad to lie. This isn't always true, sometimes you need to tell a lie if it means saving yourself, keeping your job (and do I have a story about that...)